Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers below to the most frequently asked questions about chiropractors in Hillsborough Township NJ and Hazlet NJ. Having the answers to these key questions can help you choose the right Hillsborough Township NJ or Hazlet NJ chiropractor for you. If you don't see the answer below to a question you have, reach out to Living Well 4 Life Center - Hillsborough Township at (908) 431-7700 or Hazlet at (732) 888-9141. Our team can help!
How Does Chiropractic Work?
What is a Subluxation?
How do I know if I have a subluxation?
Can subluxations clear up on their own?
How do I get subluxations?
What does an adjustment feel like?
Can I adjust myself?
What makes that “popping” sound?
How many adjustments will it take?
Will I have to go to the chiropractor forever?
Does insurance cover chiropractic visits?
Is chiropractic safe?
Is chiropractic care safe when I am pregnant?
Is chiropractic Safe for children?
Can I see a chiropractor if I had back surgery?